# | give-onjoin: give a scoreboard onjoin | # | Debug: Gives extra info on plugin (cmds/startup/errors) | # | Updater: Checks for updates on enable | # InfoBoardReborn Config, Last Edited in v2.0.3 Compatability with other plugins (tablists, tags.).
Can't have double lines (add &r in front of the same line). Color codes in scrolling lines are bugy. PM or post in Disscusion what I should add next. add variables for unsupported plugins by PlaceHolderAPI. fix scrolling lines removing color codes. ibr.* | gives all the above permissions. ibr.View | permission to view the InfoBoard (default given). ibr.Create | permission node for /ibr create. ibr.Set | permission node for /ibr set. ibr.Toggle | permission node for /ibr view and /ibr show (default given). ibr.Reload | permission node for /ibr reload. /ibr add | Adds a line to the given page, world, and or rank. /ibr create | Creates a scoreboard with showtime. /ibr info | Shows extra info on what is happening in the plugin. ( can be empty, board, config or messages ) /ibr reload | Reloads all configs, the config or board. /ibr set | Sets the scoreboard to given page. /ibr toggle | Toggles between shown or hidden. /ibr show | Shows the InfoBoard for the player. /ibr hide | Hides the InfoBoard for the player. This means the placeholder works but has a conflict with something else, add "&r" after it to fix it. that means you have a conflict of values. If the row where the placeholder should be is empty. HERO DESIGNER V3 LOADING PLUGIN DOWNLOAD
(ex: %player_name%, "/papi ecould download player") This is done with an ingame command: /papi ecloud download. This means that you have to download them yourself. PAPI has disabled auto-download of their expansions.My placeholders are not being replaced!?.Changeable text, set a variable as line and add lines to the variable to cycle through.Scrolling lines! Let's your line scroll.Custom Variables, Use keywords and variables to show info.PlaceHolderAPI (a lot of placeholders.).Set times for each scoreboard to be shown.
Configure multiple scoreboards to rotate through. Configure the scoreboard's title and rows. (Show 1 group one thing and another group different things) Disable in worlds you don't want it showing up in. HERO DESIGNER V3 LOADING PLUGIN UPDATE
Anti-Flicker! High update time? no flicker!!. Any economy plugin (supported by Vault!). PLS leave a rating, if you injoyed this plugin and want to continue loving it! (This recode is not public, as soon as it’s completed I will post the source-code.) The new version will bring lots of new features, for example: version support for all server versions, new animations, separate board files, permission-based boards. I’m currently recoding the entire plugin. Ladies and gentlemen, I’m saying this as a warning and an announcement.